Membership FAQ's
Your Home Away From Home
Hopefully this section will answer any of your membership questions.
If not, then please contact Club reception using our live chat facility.

Do I have to be British to join The British Club?
No, all nationalities are considered but the Club runs on a quota system with a waiting list if the quota is full.
What facilities does the Club have?
The Club has a pool, children’s pool, play area smoking/non-smoking bars, a coffee shop, gym, tennis courts, squash courts, snooker room and several function areas.
Who is included on a Family Membership?
Family Membership is for a couple. Any children under the age of 18 are free. A single parent with children is classed as a family.
Can I sign in guests?
Yes, members can sign in 3 adult guests each and up to 3 children per membership.
Does the Club do day passes?
No, the Club does not offer a day pass. All visitors to the Club need to be invited by a member who will be responsible for them during their stay.
Can I apply for just gym membership?
No, the Health Club is included in the full membership, we do not offer it separately.
Do I need to be proposed by a British Club member?
No, a proposal by an existing British Club member is no longer required.
What information do I need to provide when applying for membership?
Along with the completed application form we require a copy of CPR and a passport style photo for each person listed on the application. (if no CPR details can be obtained from reception).
I have family visiting. What options are there for visiting the Club?
We offer temporary membership for friends and relatives of members who are visiting from outside of Bahrain for either a 2 week or 1 month period.
Can my nanny be included on the membership?
You may request a nanny card if you have children on the membership. They will only be able to enter the Club with the children and will not have tap in access to the Club. (note: corporate memberships not included).
Can I change an existing membership to include/exclude my partner or children?
You will need to complete a Change of Status form. If you are adding to the membership, CPR and photo will be required.
Does The British Club have reciprocal arrangements with other Clubs?
The British Club has Reciprocal arrangements with the Rugby, Dilmun and Yacht Club in Bahrain and numerous Clubs worldwide.
What activities does The British Club offer?
There is a range of sporting sections you can join plus additional classes such as Zumba, Aqua Zumba, Yoga etc for which there is a small extra charge.
Does The British Club offer entertainment?
There is weekly entertainment in the form of local singers and bands plus visits from overseas entertainers several times a year. We also have fetes, sports days, festival events etc.
What do you offer for children?
We have lots of junior activities including: weekly Fiestas and Crafts along with a monthly Friday activity day. We also have a range of events through the year including talent competition, discos and much more. We run a Kid’s Camp in the school holidays.
I’ve lost my membership card. What can I do?
You may request a new card from reception on payment of BHD2. Any balance on your lost card will be automatically transferred to your new card.
What is Country membership?
Country Membership is available to anyone who is resident outside of Bahrain. This membership offers 30 or 52 visits a year. We require proof that the member is resident outside of Bahrain, usually a letter from the employer.
I am a Teacher and away for all of the summer.
We offer a teacher’s membership which runs from 1 September to 30 June. We require proof that the member is employed as a teacher.
Does the Club accept cash?
The Club will only accept cash at Reception. Payment can be made within the Club by the British Club membership card, which receives a discount on F&B prices, or by debit or credit card.